Kind man pays for auntie's biryani at Clementi hawker centre on 2nd day of CNY, proceeds to have lunch together

A small gesture is all that is needed.

Nyi Nyi Thet | February 06, 2019, 04:40 PM

If you've been walking around the streets of Singapore the past couple days, you might notice it being incredibly empty.

Stores are closed, there's only a smattering of people around.

The same goes for hawker centres, most stalls are closed, Chinese-run stalls are almost all closed, for obvious reasons.

Facebook user Ry Manz was in the hawker centre when he spotted a rather heartwarming scene play out.

He spotted an auntie at Clementi hawker centre around 3pm deciding what to order.

Image from

The auntie appears to be using a mobility scooter which might suggest some difficulty in walking.

She didn't appear to be familiar with the food offered there, perhaps because her regular stalls were closed, so she asked the man beside her what was good there.

Specifically, this man.

Not only did he recommend something nice, biryani rice with chicken, he went the extra mile and actually bought the set for her.

The auntie seemed slightly taken aback by the gesture, saying "Aiyoh, thank you very much.

Which the man promptly waved aside.

When the food came, the man implored her to dig in first, presumably the man's food was still being prepared, and the auntie gave an adorable half-shimmy.

The video cuts off as the auntie tucks in, leaving the two of them to enjoy the food, and each other's company.

The best part about all this was that according to Ry Manz, they didn't appear to know each other prior to this meeting.


Here's the whole video.

[video width="480" height="848" mp4=""][/video]

Image from Ry Manz