Online travel agent Zuji ceases operations in both S'pore & Hong Kong

No more Zuji.

Zhangxin Zheng | January 16, 2019, 03:53 AM

According to The Straits Times on Jan. 15, online travel agent Zuji has stopped its operations in both Singapore and Hong Kong.

Zuji Travel has failed to renew its travel agent licenses in both countries and owe refunds.

Singapore's operation ceased in 2018

In fact, there were actually some signs since November 2018 that Zuji was in trouble.

It cut its staff strength and closed down its Singapore office.

The Zuji Singapore website was also replaced with a holding page during that period, promising a new site in the first quarter of 2019.

Zuji Hong Kong is reported to have owed refunds of up to HK$250,000 (about S$43,000).

Last year, Zuji also failed to have its agency license renewed with International Air Transport Association, which provides a centralised transaction system for travel agents and airlines, due to overdue payments to airlines.

Furthermore, 33 complaints on Zuji were made to the Consumers Association of Singapore, while 22 complaints were made in Hong Kong over the past year.

Most of these complaints were related to air ticket refunds.

Last update on Facebook

The websites for Singapore and Hong Kong users are now showing this error page instead.

The frequency of updates from Zuji Singapore Facebook page has reduced greatly in volume after July 2018.

The most recent update on Jan. 11, 2019 informed customers about "technical difficulties' in processing refund.

Screenshot from Zuji Singapore Facebook Page.

Top photo collage from Zuji Singapore Facebook Page and screenshot of Zuji Singapore website