As previously announced: The wizarding world will be at Changi Airport till February 2019:
Along with Harry Potter merchandise, which will be available till Jan. 6:
Suntec City too
However, if you're lazy to travel to the east or go through the hassle of redeeming the merchandise, area 65 in Suntec City has a whole new range of Harry Potter-themed home ware and accessories.
Starting at S$7.90 for a coaster (from what we could see), prices are not exactly low, but hardcore fans might just be willing to splash some cash.
Here's a look at what's available.
Notebooks emblazoned with a house crest, S$22.80:
Accessory trays, S$12.90:
Character cushion covers, S$26.80 (does not come with cushion):
Character keychains, S$13.80:
Pins and keychains, S$13.90:
Tote bags, S$29.90:
Hedwig purse, S$14.90:
Some items appear to be available online -- you can check out the collection here.
The rest, however, appears to be only available in store.
3 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec City #01-485/486, Singapore 039594
Opening Hours:
11am to 10pm daily
Top image by Mandy How
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