Ang Mo Kio Hub commercial uses Fortnite dances to accurately depict how people shop at malls

Very cool.

Nyi Nyi Thet | January 30, 2019, 04:30 PM

Before we start this article, it has to be said that the actors involved were all really engaging and probably did the best with what they were given, and this is not a shot against them whatsoever.

With that out of the way, here is a video by Ang Mo Kio Hub that accurately depicts how heartlanders behave at shopping malls.

And here's the follow-up, which showcases increased realism.
Here are some gifs of this exceptionally normal way to shop.

Here are the service personnel being super-receptive to dancing people ordering them around.


These dances, while appearing to be random acts of chaos strung together to upbeat music, are actually moves from popular game, Fortnite.

Fortnite is an online multiplayer shooter, but one of their main draws is in the extensive library of dance moves that the characters can bust out.

Some of the moves busted out in the commercial include "Best Mates" and "The Shoot"

Here they are.

These moves of course did not originate with Fortnite, but in terms of influence in 2019, it is the mostly likely influence for the previous two videos.


Despite the super-accurate depiction of life in Singapore malls, many felt it was slightly cringey.

Despite this, the plan appears to be for all four main characters to get their own little dance around the mall.

Screenshot from AMK Hub

Perhaps to show that people of all ages and genders will have something to do at AMK Hub.

Which is great, and we look forward to the next two that might possibly be coming out real soon.

Image collated from AMK Hub's Facebook page