Taiwanese lady goes viral after being spotted helping out at family's wet market stall


Nyi Nyi Thet | December 09, 2018, 03:46 PM

Liu PengPeng is a model in Taiwan.

She also helps out with her family's wet market stall in Changhua.

On December 6, a Facebook user posted a picture of her working at her mom's store.

Here it is.

Image from facebook

Here is the accompanying caption.

"我决定以后都帮妈妈去买菜了" which roughly translates to "I have decided to help my mum buy groceries from now on."

The post was picked up by Taiwanese media.

A video of her working also went viral.


Liu expressed surprise at the media frenzy, with one Facebook post stating "只是回去幫忙?" which roughly translates to "was just going back to help out".

The Apple Daily post has received over 23,000 likes and over 1,000 shares.

The extra attention has unsurprisingly lead to even more work for the model, and she apologised for not being able to take any more work in the meantime.

Image from BcBcBabe

The story has even been reported in western media.

She told Daily Mail that her family has been running the stall for four generations, and also denied accusations that she had gone and helped out merely for publicity.

She also had this to say about her overnight fame.

'To be honest, a lot of people who are here now are just busy filming me on their phones, I'd rather they buy more fish from my mom!'


Here are some other good looking people who went viral while doing their job.

Image collated from BcBcBabe