Chinese lady suffers eye stroke after binge watching Yanxi Palace for 7 days straight


Zhangxin Zheng | November 06, 2018, 08:38 PM

Long weekends are the best time to travel as well as catch up on dramas.

But don't overdo it though.

Almost blind from binge-watching

A Chinese office lady, Ding, spent Golden Week, which is a national holiday in China, binge watching immensely popular historical Chinese drama, Story of Yanxi Palace at her home in Wu Han, the capital of Hubei province.

Ding was watching the drama overnight and found her left eye's vision blurry on Oct. 7.

The next day, she could only see silhouettes, which prompted her to seek medical treatment at the hospital.

The ophthalmologist diagnosed her condition as Retinal Artery Occlusion, colloquially known as 'eye stroke'.

According to Sin Chew Daily, what happened was that the lady had overexerted her eyes due to long-term usage of electronic appliances.

In addition to that, the cooler weather narrowed her artery which amounted to a blockage to blood flowing through the central retinal artery. Without blood flow to supply sufficient oxygen to the cells of the retina, she lost her vision temporarily.

Fortunately, she sought medical help in time as eye stroke can possibly lead to permanent vision loss without prompt treatment.

Symptoms of eye stroke

An eye stroke is usually painless and occurs in one eye.

It can happen suddenly or take a few hours or days to develop.

General symptoms include appearance of floaters (grey spots), pain and blurry vision in the eye.

Prolonged use of electronic screens (phones, televisions, laptops and tablets) can be very harmful to the eyes, especially in the dark.

The blue light can cause photochemical damage to the retinal cells.

Therefore, it is important to take occasional breaks and avoid watching dramas or reading in the dark for too long.

Top photo from cqcb and mydramalist
