US Army soldiers taste-test SAF combat rations. Verdict? 'Pretty good'.

Must be because they haven't had the braised chicken rice.

Guan Zhen Tan | November 13, 2018, 11:01 PM

Between Oct. 8 and 25, 2018, some 150 of our men in green participated in the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) live-firing exercise, code-named "Daring Warrior", at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in the United States.

As is typical for a bilateral military exercise, soldiers from both the US and Singapore armies worked and trained alongside one another.

And in the midst of this, our soldiers found time to share the Singapore Armed Forces' combat rations with their American counterparts, allowing them to sample them and give their comments for a video uploaded to the SAF's Facebook page.

Pretty Good

Most of American soldiers gave the thumbs-up, praising the rations as something that was "pretty good", and they would have it more than once.

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

One particular soldier really enjoyed the ration pack that contained Makhani Bean Stew with Chicken.

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

A taste of home

Our army boys explained as well that one of the ration packs (described as a "Chinese kind of delicacy") was pretty much made to emulate the taste of home.

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Though there was one dish they themselves... had no clue as to what it was.

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Obviously, fellow Singaporeans were a little bit cynical about the high praise given to the rations:

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Screenshot via The Singapore Army's Facebook video

Perhaps what really makes the rations more palatable for most soldiers is the circumstances one might be in — this would typically be when they're exhausted from training and field camp.

You can see the full video and their reactions here:

Top image adapted via The Singapore Army' Facebook video