Taiwanese boyband Fahrenheit's member Aaron Yan accused of three-timing ex-boyfriend

When love turns to hate, things can get nasty.

Zhangxin Zheng | Nyi Nyi Thet | November 12, 2018, 11:20 PM

Fahrenheit was a Taiwanese boy band (飛輪海), consisting of four members, Calvin Chen, Jiro Wang, Wu Chun and Aaron Yan.

The band was fairly popular when they first debuted in 2005, but disbanded when Wu Chun left the band in 2011.

Recently, Yan was accused of dating three men at the same time.

Accused of three timing

A Taiwanese online news platform, Mirror Media, received a tip-off on Nov.7 from a reader stating that Yan was allegedly dating three guys at the same time.

For reference, these are the three men mentioned in the story.

The person who tipped off Mirror Media, a friend of Guy A, also provided photos of Yan kissing Guys A, B, and C as well as a screenshot of a conversation between Yan and Guy A.

According to the tip-off, Guy A had been together with Yan for over a year, but had broken up when he found out about Yan's affair.

Image from Mirror Media

Translation of the text message

Yan: If you want to break up then let's break up

Yan: It's too frustrating

Yan: Up to you

A: Why can't you make it clear

Yan: I told you about it that day but why did you leak out

Yan: Why bother to reply me

Yan: It all happened

Yan: What else can I do

Yan: Looks like I'm making things difficult for you on purpose

This however turned out to be an act of revenge by Guy A, or at the very least, his friend.

Yan and agency responds

Yan’s management agency HIM Music denied the accusation in an official statement on Nov. 7.

Statement from HIM Music

Here's a translation of the statement from HIM Music:

Today's media reports, with photos of Aaron Yan's private interaction with friends, implied complication in friendships.

These falsehoods have severely damaged Yan's reputation.

Yan denies the reports and is deeply apologetic for causing any inconvenience to his friends. Yan has always been an artiste who defends equal rights and cares about social issues, such interest should not be exploited.

The informant wrote into media before the public voted for same-sex marriage, which could be seen as a deliberate manipulation.

If the media or any third party publishes untrue and defamatory content, we will not rule out the possibility of taking legal action!

Yan further addressed this incident through HIM Music on Nov. 7. Here's a rough translation:



I'm sorry that I did not handle my personal life properly and had to reveal it in this manner.


I treat everyone genuinely but I am also an ordinary person, with flaws and emotions. When interacting with people, it is inevitable to have some unhappiness. I did not handle appropriately and, clearly, there's much for me to learn. I am someone who isn't guarded or doubtful of others. I usually wear my heart on my sleeve without hesitation.


I used to devote my feelings to someone but I did not handle the relationship well towards the end. How things turned out was unexpected and I am very apologetic to those whom I've hurt.


I will reflect, learn and become a better person, very sorry this resulted in anyone getting hurt, sorry; also apologies to my family, friends and fans who have been supporting me. I'd also like to thank my company HIM Music for the tolerance and respect they've shown me.


I will remember the help I received along this journey and I will grow from these lessons. Also, I am very apologetic for wasting everyone's time and precious life on my inconspicuous and unworthy private life.

Guy B clarifies

On Nov. 8, Apple Daily interviewed Yan's ex-boyfriend Guy B who shared his side of the story.

Image from Apple Daily Taiwan


Guy B claimed he had started dating Yan on August 2018.

Being a public figure, Yan and Guy B could not date openly and they either caught a movie or stayed over at Yan's place.

"In the cinema, he would hug me, hold my hand, and that's enough to make me happy."

"He (Yan) promised to take care of me and even said that he will pick me to live with him once he succeeded in his career. I'm very touched that he made such promises, given that he is a celebrity."

However, Guy A went to look for Guy B and even showed photographic evidence of their relationship.

Guy A also informed Guy B that Yan had hooked up with him on Oct. 20 after his concert in Tai Chung.

Guy B was devastated to hear that and in a fit of anger, handed over a photo of him kissing Yan over to Guy A.

Guy B questioned Yan afterwards.

Yan told him that while he had broken up with A a long time ago, he admitted to having sex with Guy A at Tai Chung.

They eventually broke up.

Guy B claimed he spoke out because he could not bear to see Yan being mischaracterised as a three-timer.

Yan's grandmother in ICU

Yan has been missing in action since he shared his thoughts on this matter through HIM Music, an absence that understandably, worried fans.

According to a report on Nov. 9, from another Taiwanese news outlet ETtoday, Yan had revealed to one of his fans' personal message on Instagram that his maternal grandmother was in ICU.

ETtoday also verified this with Yan's friends that his grandmother had indeed been hospitalised.

Yan is very close to his maternal grandmother and had mentioned in past interviews that his grandmother had been unwell.

Image from ETtoday


Fan: Did you see the reports? Guy B says you were seeing Guy A in Tai Chung and even got intimate when you were dating B! Is this true?

Yan: No! Impossible

Fan: Reports say that HIM Music cannot find you, what are you doing?

Yan: My grandmother is in ICU...

Fan: Accompany your grandmother well

On Nov. 13, Yan updated on his Instagram about his grandma's passing.

View this post on Instagram

外婆一直是我心裡最崇拜的人,和藹可親,對我疼愛有加。 在外面的人看來外婆是一位為人師表的小學老師,對阿公來說他是位好老婆,對我馬麻而言是個嚴厲卻不失慈祥而且堅強刻苦的媽媽;對我呢,外婆就是無論我做錯了什麼都會告訴我應該怎麼改進,我缺少了什麼都會叫我學習,過年回南投她總是陪我到最後很想睡的時候才願意回她的房裡睡的阿嬤,他和我一樣喜歡吃南投意麵,喜歡喝咖啡,喜歡看我初二早晨吃得心滿意足的表情,所以有時候雖然吃不下了,我還是會把她做給我的份全部吃完讓她開心😊看阿嬤開心比什麼都重要!這就是我對阿嬤的感情。 今年的八月,外婆被檢驗出癌症而且已經擴散全身,對年事已高但堅持運動喜歡爬山的她我想一定很錯愕,因為我們全家人也一樣不敢相信,醫生雖說不樂觀,但是外婆的求生意念很強烈,所以我們讓她做了比較不痛苦的一些療程,讓她能不在太過勞其身體的狀況下做治療;然而就在上個禮拜,外婆因為併發肺炎進了加護病房,靠著呼吸高壓氧努力的撐著,9號那天我回南投看了阿嬤,跟他說「阿嬤,我來看你喔,你要加油」、「阿嬤,我很愛你」、「阿嬤,我還要唱歌給你聽喔」,阿嬤雖然沒辦法開口,也無法睜開眼睛,但卻很努力的在我每句話後面點頭深怕我以為她沒有聽到我說的話;我也在等你⋯⋯阿嬤。 今天凌晨,外婆還是決定放下疲憊的身軀帶著堅強的意志離開這個吵雜的世界,我會這樣形容,是因為我相信到最後一秒阿嬤都是在為自己做決定的,這樣比較像我了解的阿嬤,離開了這副X光下滿是星星的皮囊,離開了需要高壓氧幫忙呼吸的身體,去了哪裡我們是不會知道的,但我想像她被外公接走了,去了一個只有綠地藍天和清澈的河流的地方,在那裡有個小屋,小屋前有一小片地能讓喜歡種植植物的外婆種種她喜歡的花草樹木,在那裡就算黑夜也充滿希望和歡愉的氛圍,在那裡沒有痛苦和悲傷,盡情的享受吧阿嬤,阿公會帶你去冒冒險熟悉一下,盡情的享受吧,別再牽掛這個喧囂的世界,我們每個人都會照顧好自己,我也會讓自己更好的,我愛你阿嬤,我愛妳。 沒有什麼比陪著家人更重要的事了,和你們分享我的心情,以及我這段時間在做什麼,希望你們能讓愛帶著你們往人生的道路前進,而不是那些負面的想法,愛才能弭平一切的挫折、傷痕和困惑,我愛阿嬤,我也愛你們,謝謝每個在這段時間給過我鼓勵的每個人。 Love Aaron 願愛與你們同在 阿嬤I Love You

A post shared by 炎亞綸Aaron (@aayan1120) on

Photo collage of photos from Mirror Media.
