Massage place in Tanjong Pagar with blind masseurs gets rave reviews from customers

Going there naooo.

Nyi Nyi Thet | November 03, 2018, 03:13 PM

Blind Massage Service is a massage place in Tanjong Pagar Plaza (#02-55).

It consists of a private group of blind masseurs with years of experience in the massaging field.

While they've been around for quite a while, they appear to have moved to their new premises about a year ago.


Here are the rates for their massages.

Full body massage-1 hour- S$40

Foot massage- 30 minutes- $18

60 minutes- $30

Head shoulder and neck massage- 30 min-$18

60 min-$30

A special hybrid 30 minutes foot and 30 mins shoulder massage will cost you $30.

Rave reviews

The massage place has been getting rave reviews as well.

Screenshot from Blind Massage Service

Screenshot from Blind Massage Service

Screenshot from Blind Massage Service

They also have an events-oriented massage service, where you can book them for various events, and they'll be there to dole out great massages.

And that appears to have drawn plaudits as well.

In fact, the masseurs claim their blindness could be considered a strength in giving out massages.

All our massage therapists are visually impaired to varying degrees. It is said that when one of our senses is lost or impaired our other senses become heightened and we feel especially advanced and attuned to the healing and relaxing aspects of massage as we’ve learned to master our already sensitive kinaesthetic abilities.

The reviews certainly seem to agree.

Image from Blind massage Service's Facebook


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