There's been a flurry of online activity amongst the university crowd these past one day.
This is also known in modern times as the breaking out of The Great University URL Redirect War.
URL redirects
Websites belonging to universities in Singapore are seeing an increase in traffic.
This is a result of newly set up URLs redirecting visits to these universities' websites.
For example, typing NUSrejects in the browser brings you to the Nanyang Technological University's website.
Typing NTUrejects in your browser, brings you to the National University of Singapore's website.
Epic burn
Typing in your browser, brings you to Prudential's website.
More epic burn
But perhaps the one that takes the cake is this.
If you type in your browser...
it takes you to SUSS' official website.
Where their wholly innocent, even motivational slogan...
"Join the U, that believes in U"
... is given an unintentionally hilarious double entendre.
Oh no.
As a SIM alumni, all I have to say is:
"Yeah, makes sense."
Perhaps SUSS students could think of a good comeback during all that self-study time.
Image from SUSS
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