Elderly man in China falls down lift shaft after impatient son-in-law forces lift doors open

Oh no.

Nyi Nyi Thet | October 10, 2018, 01:23 PM

This is an absolutely preventable tragedy.

An elderly man in China fell down a lift shaft after his son-in-law got impatient with waiting for the lift.

*Warning:Graphic images ahead*

A YouTube video uploaded on Weibo showed a man apparently fed up with waiting for the lift.

The son-in-law forces the lift open, using a key.

And he apparently didn't seem to sense the imminent danger the elderly man was in.

The elderly man edged closer to the lift, as according to the Shanghaiist, he had thought the lift had arrived.

Unfortunately, the man might have lost his footing, as he fell down the shaft.


The son-in-law tried to grab him, and help came immediately, but according to NextShark, and Shanghaiist, it was too late.

The elderly man had fallen eight metres to his death.
