S'pore DJ Dee Kosh gives opinion on Korean BTS boyband, fanbase emails his boss, gets YouTube channel deleted

No joke.

Nyi Nyi Thet | October 19, 2018, 09:19 PM

Update: Dee Kosh accused by BTS fans of removing his own YouTube channel, which has been restored

Dee Kosh is a deejay with Power 98.

He is also a prominent Singaporean YouTuber.

On Oct. 18, he tweeted this.

At a BTS fan's prompting, he also tweeted a video showcasing the purported similarities.

For the sake of context, BTS is a Korean boyband that has a lot of fans.

So, Dee Kosh has an opinion, which, in his own words, was an unpopular one.

No drama, no harm.

Drama and harm

Dee Kosh's opinion then set off a firestorm by the Army, who are avid fans of BTS.

Their criticisms mainly consisted of sarcastically listing off songs by BTS that are really different while calling them similar.

Image from Twitter

Dee Kosh also apparently fell for one of these high level tweets.

Apparently, one of those songs doesn't have a rap portion.

They also called him out on chasing clout, basically doing it for attention.

All this compelled Dee Kosh to tweet this out.

Screenshot from Dee Kosh

It did not go down well.

Screenshot from Dee kosh's twitter

Others even speculated whether all this was a publicity stunt.

Unfortunate, but Internet drama happens every day, as long as it doesn't have actual real-world consequences.

Real-world consequences

Dee Kosh uploaded a video of himself in tears.

In case you can't see it.

[video width="720" height="1280" mp4="https://static.mothership.sg/1/2018/10/lvqhvD7cg3vx6sFf.mp4"][/video]

In it, he talked about these things:

  • Hate he was getting for just giving an opinion
  • The toxicity of the BTS fanbase.
  • Conceding defeat

Oh, and also how they emailed his bosses over at Power 98.

"They emailed my, my bosses? On radio, like what does my personal opinion have to do with my job, like why do you have to go until like, like are you so vindictive that you go all the way to my job, like you'll email my boss?

Like don't you have anything else to do, like all I gave was my opinion, like why should it matter. Screw all of you, you guys are bullies, you're toxic, and all you want to do is destroy peoples lives. Disgusting."

And if that wasn't enough, apparently some fans seem to have reported his YouTube channel, which had a pretty sizeable following.

Screenshot form Dee Kosh's Twitter

Which didn't seem to appease some of the boyband's fanbase, with some suggesting the possibility that Dee Kosh had deleted his channel himself.


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Image from Dee Kosh