S'poreans call out rowdy commuters who hurled vulgarities at SMRT staff

Disrespectful behaviour.

Mandy How | October 08, 2018, 05:15 PM

Two SMRT staff seen on video being verbally abused by at least three rowdy commuters appeared to keep their composure despite the heckling.

A Facebook video of the incident was uploaded on Oct. 6:

The person who uploaded the video claimed that it was not filmed by him.

In case you can't see it:

[video width="720" height="1280" mp4="https://static.mothership.sg/1/2018/10/mrt.mp4"][/video]

The post has since gathered more than 2,500 shares and 450 comments.


"Eh hello, how we go home lehhhhh?"

For those who have no idea what is going on, Facebook users have explained that the commuters were apparently angry about early train closures.

Here's a quick summary of what happened in the video:

  • A guy in green was talking to the staff at the control station.
  • The person filming steps forward and asks, "Eh hello, how we go home lehhhhh?"
  • The guy in green says, "You don't want to be [indistinct] media we also don't want."
  • The SMRT staff gestures and replies to him.
  • Camera man curses "F*ck you lah" and points his middle finger at the SMRT staff
  • Another guy in white steps into frame and demands in a raised voice, "You call your management come down! Hello???!!"
  • The SMRT staff turns back to converse with his colleague.
  • Camera man: "Call call call! How we go home sia?"
  • Guy in white: "Tell your management come down! You all talk easy! I go back 11 now what time? One o'clock!"
  • Unidentified voice off camera: "Talk until when? Next year ah?"
  • Guy in white: "Sucks man!" (walks away)
  • Camera man then says, "F*CK YOU" (points middle finger) -- "Ch*ebye" (points middle finger) -- "No balls" (points at SMRT staff) -- "F*ck you SMRT" -- before stepping back from the control station to stop his filming.

Singaporeans call commuters out for being entitled

Thankfully, most Singaporeans appear to be sensible bunch in this case, and called the commuters out for hurling vulgarities at the staff:

Others pointed out that there were many alternative means of transport:

While another commuter apologised for thinking the SMRT staff's job was easy:

The best thing is that many responses managed to chide the commuters without using profanities.

This is not the first time a member of the public has filmed himself abusing an public-facing staff:

Top image screenshot from video