Cafe in South Korea makes you feel like you've stepped right into a drawing


Tanya Ong | September 21, 2018, 11:32 AM

There is a cafe in South Korea which has gone to painstaking lengths to make its customers feel like they have stepped into a drawing.

Cafe Yeonnam-dong 239-20

Cafe Yeonnam-dong 239-20, CAFE 연남동239-20, is located in Seoul, within the Yeonnam-Dong district.

The place serves drinks such as coffee and tea costing anywhere between 4,000 to 5,500 won (about S$5-S$7). They also sell cakes and sandwiches.

What's unique about this cafe, however, is its decor.

Check it out here:

Image from Min Felicia

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Cafe in Seoul #cafe #cafeinseoul #cafeinkorea #cafeinyeonnamdong #wworld

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Even the mugs are specially designed to look like they could be from a drawing:

Photo via Twitter user @adorekyu


The cafe can accommodate about 20 people and also has an outdoor section:

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I went to 2D cafe "CAFE 연남동239-20" 💕 What a great idea!👌🏽✨ Thank you for being so kind to us.☺️ @ynd239.20_cafe . . . . . —————☕️カフェレポ✍🏽—————  ストーリーズでたくさん質問のあったカフェ! 椅子もテーブルもまるで絵のよう✏️👀 写真2枚目の扉はトイレ🚽だし、 スイッチも棚も2Dのようでした!笑 本当は店内の方が絵の世界みたいなんだけど、 2テーブルしかない為いっぱいで、テラス席へ! 店員のお姉さんがすごく親切で 店内の席は空かないかもだけど大丈夫?とか 気にかけてくれたり、 笑顔が素敵過ぎました✨ 暑かったので私たちはアイスを頼んだけど、 ホットだとカップも2D風だったよ🤗 次はデザートも食べたいなあ〜 オススメのカフェでした♡  無事に帰国しました✈︎🗼 とりあえず韓国ポストは終わろうかな🐻💭 私的には更新率かなり高かったw💪🏽 明日はあの子のお誕生日、、😏💕 

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#repost @sungsam_cho . - #연남동카페 덥다더워 . - #카페연남동239_20 #작은카페 #테라스 #더워요 #카페추천 #포토존

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How to get there

The cafe is located at Yeonnam-dong 239-20.

To get there, visitors can take the subway to Hongik University station. It is a 15 minutes' walk to the cafe via Exit 3:

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#cafe연남동239_20 #찾아오는길 . - 안녕하세요. cafe연남동239-20입니다. open 11 am. close 9 pm. 월요일휴무 (closed on Mondays) Address : 239-20 Yeonnam-dong, Mapo, Seoul, Korea. . . 카페 찾아오는 길!! 홍대입구역3번 출구에서 걸어서 15분정도 걸립니다. It takes about 15 minutes from Exit 3 of Hongik Univ. Station. . - 저희카페는 내부에 2개의 테이블과 외부에 4개의 테이블이 있습니다. Our cafe has two tables inside and four tables outside. . - 연남동 골목 안에 위치한 <cafe 연남동 239-20 > 을 찾아주시는 분들에게 감사드립니다. Thank you for visiting the cafe. Have a nice day. ♥ . - #카페연남동239_20 #연남동카페 #연남동 #그림속 #작은카페 #작은내부 #골목길 #주택가 #카페추천 #포토존 #찾아오는길 #재공지 #월요일휴무 #카페 #cafe延南洞239_20

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The cafe is open from 11am to 9pm, and closed on Mondays.

It will be closed from September 22 to 24 for the Chuseok holidays.

Top photo via Twitter user @adorekyu & Instagram users @ritsu0404