S-hook zehzeh gave interview with YES 933 radio, made me google the meaning of "yamaha yomaso"

Important news.

Jonathan Lim | September 26, 2018, 12:53 PM

If you have no idea who S-hook zehzeh (a.k.a Lerine) is, do yourself a favour and watch her incredible sales pitch here:

A video of her selling a top that you can hang S-hooks off of has garnered nearly two million views. Since then, she is the most talked about Facebook-Live seller in Singapore.

DJ's shout out

Her overnight fame caught the attention of YES 933 DJ Jeff on Tuesday, Sept. 25.

During his morning show, 大咖一起来 (Da Ka Yi Qi Lai), he expressed interest in getting to know her.

Jeff's on-air persona is one who frequently and freely announces his crush during his show.

His previous crush was an RSAF officer, Gorgina Choo, who was part of the guard-of-honour at this year's National Day Parade.

Jeff announced on air that his current interest was Lerine.

Lerine's friends heard the broadcast and informed her of it. And the next morning, she phoned into Jeff's show for an interview.


Lerine was very sporting during the interview and played along with Jeff's pick-up lines.

Here's a sample in Chinese first:

Jeff: 我昨天一直在看你的照片,我觉得你很像一个人.

Lerine: 谁?

Jeff: 像我的人.

Lerine: Wow yamaha yomaso. 真的很high leh.

Here's a rough English translation though the flavour may be lost:

Jeff: I was looking at your photographs and I find you really look like someone.

Lerine: Who?

Jeff: Look like mine.

Lerine: Wow yamaha yomaso really very high leh.

And for those scratching their heads wondering what the heck "yamaha yomaso" is:

Here are the other pertinent points of the interview:

1) She's Hokkien and spoke the dialect growing up with her maternal grandma.

2) She explained that she got the gift of the gab because of her mom — who keeps scolding her. So when she does sales pitches, she thinks of her mom's scolding.

3) When asked whether she really does hook things on her clothes, she says she does. She said she was inspired by hairdressers and renovation contractors who hook things.

4) When Jeff asked if people would scald themselves when they hooked packets of wanton noodles on their tops, Lerine replied that they will not. She said when hooking the noodles, the package actually extends to the belly and not the 奶 (bosom, her words not ours) so the bosom will not be scalded. She also agreed that instead of burning the bosom it could burn belly fat.


If you want to catch the full interview here they are:
