What would make a person give up the chance of a free lift from a friend?
For one woman in Malaysia, the fact that said friend is driving a Proton would do it.
Friend refused to get on his Proton Wira
According to a Facebook post on August 30, one Bosco Fong wrote that he had driven his Proton Wira to pick up a female friend from work that day.
When he arrived at the location, he sounded the horn a few times. However, his friend allegedly feigned ignorance of his presence, and called to summon a Grab.
In his post, Fong also shared a screenshot of what is supposedly a WeChat conversation between the two of them:

Fong: Why didn't you get on the car even though I horned a few times?
Friend: Don't give me a ride next time if you're driving a Wira.
Fong: Why can't I give you a ride if I'm driving a Wira?
Friend: It's fine. I'll call for a Grab.
Fong: I'm already here. You rather call for a Grab than get on my car?! Is a Wira that embarrassing?
Friend: I've already called for a Grab. It's fine.
Fong: OK very good.
"Feeling heartbroken"
So depressed and ashamed he was after that humiliating experience he had that Fong added a dramatically emo photograph of himself sitting outside his Wira:

And in the event anyone was in doubt about how he felt, he also added the sentiment "feeling heartbroken" to his post — here's a screenshot of it:

He also expressed confusion as to why his friend was unwilling to get on his car:
" 这wira陪我从jb去penang 再从penang回jb!还可以上云顶。它已经陪我跨过山和大海了...冷气冷冷又不会淋到雨..为什么不要上车?"
(Translation: This Wira has accompanied me from JB to Penang, and back to JB! It can even go to Genting. It has accompanied me across mountains and seas. The air-con is cooling, and the car provides shelter from the rain. Why doesn't she want to get on my car?)
Netizens sympathise with his plight
In response to his Facebook post, many netizens were sympathetic to his situation and left encouraging comments:
"What a materialistic woman. A Wira is also a car."
"What's wrong with driving a Wira?"
"A car is a car. Even if it doesn't have air-conditioning, you can open the window. A breeze is great as well."
"I drive a Wira too. I find that living a carefree life is the most important."
"It's great that she even gets a ride...! How can she still be so picky? If I got a ride on a motorcycle it would be even better as I'd get to hug (the guy)."
"I would hop on even if you came to fetch me on a bicycle. Why don't you give me a ride?"
This is his viral Facebook post which has since gotten over 6,000 shares:
Top photo adapted from Bosco Fong's Facebook post.
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