Nas Daily praises World Toilet Organisation founder Jack Sim in 10th video about S'pore

Quite impressive.

Guan Zhen Tan | September 06, 2018, 11:20 AM

Nine videos about Singapore later, Nas Daily still has something to praise about Singapore.

Yes, our very own Toilet Man.

World Toilet Organisation

Jack Sim is the man behind World Toilet Organisation (WTO).

And exactly like what the video says on the (toilet) cover, he loves to talk about the toilet business.

From local taboo to a global conversation

In episode 878, Nas Daily, a.k.a Nuseir Yassin, featured Sim's efforts to get governments and nations talking about toilets, which is framed in this video as "one of the best, cheapest medicines out there", highlighting the benefits of basic sanitation.

Started from his own experiences of bygone days in Singapore where we relied on night soil workers, Sim kick-started the Restroom Association in 1998, wanting to clear the stigma with regards to talking about toilets and toilet cleanliness.

The association has since expanded to become the World Toilet Organization (WTO), to campaign for better sanitation standards in toilets worldwide. 

WTO aims to bring organisations together to share resources and facilitate improvements in sanitation systems, in countries such as India and China.

With his efforts -- such as the resolution Singapore tabled at the UN General Assembly, known as “Sanitation For All”, via a designated World Toilet Day -- greater attention has been paid to global sanitation.

Mixed views

Despite the fact that a proper sanitation system helps to bring multiple benefits of health, hygiene and cleanliness, some viewers didn't quite see the worth of talking about Sim's work:

But others saw that there was worth in talking about sanitation:

Some felt that his efforts would be in vain given cultural differences and understanding:

Tangible outcomes

Then again, we're talking about a guy who made this topic an actual UN resolution and kick-starting the movement to get more toilets in places that don't have them.

India is looking at installing 110 million toilets, which is a part of the Clean India Mission fronted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

There are surely going to be bumps along the road, but Sim is probably making more headway than the rest of us in making improvements in toilet health worldwide.

You can read more about Sim's work here:


Check out the other things that Nas Daily featured about Singapore:

Top image via Nas Daily's Facebook video