Woman in China escapes death after head gets run over by cement mixer — thanks to her helmet

Helmets save lives.

Kayla Wong | August 11, 2018, 02:23 PM

This story will really show you how important it is to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

A woman escaped with superficial injuries despite getting her head run over by a concrete mixer truck, after being flung off her motorcycle in Zhejiang province, China.

The lady, surnamed Zhu, escaped death (and indeed any significant injury to her head) thanks to the helmet she was wearing at the time.

The incident happened on Tuesday, August 7, around 9am.

Knocked off motorcycle when car door opened

Zhu, reportedly a mother of two, was riding past a stationary car when someone inside opened the door suddenly. The action flung her off her motorcycle and sent her spinning onto the ground and between the wheels of a passing cement mixer truck.

The massive vehicle's rear wheels are then seen in a video capturing the entire incident running clean over her head — we doubt anyone watching it would have predicted anyone would survive that.


Thankfully, as soon as they saw what happened, both the car and truck drivers quickly stopped and alighted from their vehicles.

According to Chinese news website Zhejiang Online, the driver who opened his car door, surnamed Jin, said he was extremely surprised when he saw that the woman lying on the ground was not only conscious, but also alert enough to recite a relative’s phone number to him.

She reportedly wanted him to help her to inform her family about the accident.

The cement mixer driver, surnamed Jiang, also told Zhejiang Online said he saw Zhu bleeding from her head, while her helmet was next to her, crushed to pieces from the impact.

Helmet saved her life

But of course, the most amazing thing is Zhu escaped the accident with only superficial injuries to her head.

Although she was injured, she of course said she felt very fortunate to have survived the frightening accident:

"Luckily I was wearing a helmet. Otherwise, I would have died."

Indeed, the consequences would have been unthinkable had she not been wearing her helmet.

You can watch the video of the accident here. We have to warn you though, it can be quite disturbing:

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://static.mothership.sg/1/2018/08/cont-1407624-12628569_adpkg-ad_hd.mp4"][/video]

Top image: screenshot from Pear video