Photo & video of foreign construction workers in S'pore demanding wages was in May 2018

It is understood the issue has been resolved.

Guan Zhen Tan | August 28, 2018, 11:10 AM

A video and photo of foreign workers in Singapore holding up signs in Chinese, and demanding to be paid their salaries, has been widely-shared online.

The footage showed four workers in hardhats holding up signs that read "I want my salary" in Chinese.

[video width="368" height="800" mp4=""][/video]

They appeared to be at a construction site where other workers can be seen congregating.

The video showed the four workers displaying the signs to the rest of the foreign workers on site, who appeared unaffected by the scene before them.

The footage gained traction after being uploaded to the Facebook pages of All Singapore Stuff and Singapore Uncensored on Aug. 27.

One photo of the construction workers holding up their signs was a group pose they struck standing in front of the Lian Beng Construction (1988) Private Limited sign at a construction site.

Image via Singapore Uncensored's website

Protest happened in May

However, it is understood that this incident is not new.

The mini protest occurred in end-May this year and it is understood to have been resolved.

A screenshot of a Whatsapp conversation supposedly with Ong Pang Aik, the executive chairman of the board and managing director of Lian Beng Group Limited, appears to clarify the situation.

Screenshot via Cinorom Elicebmi's Facebook comment

The conversation revealed that the four workers were subcontractor workers, and not employees of Lian Beng Group, which is the main contractor.

The protest was directed towards another employer.


It was also claimed that the matter was resolved amicably, with intervention from Lian Beng Group, and it is considered a private matter.

No additional information on the matter is available as it is a private matter.

Intervention by the authorities, such as the Ministry of Manpower and Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM), which handles wage disputes between employers and employees, can only take place if the workers lodged their complaints with them.