Outrage of modesty cases in S'pore up by over 20% in first half of 2018

Volunteers will now patrol train stations to help keep an eye out for suspicious characters.

Tanya Ong | August 24, 2018, 12:02 PM

There have been quite a few alleged molest cases in Singapore over the past year:

According to Section 354 of the Penal Code, our law deals with “assault or use of criminal force to a person with intent to outrage modesty.”

Outrage of Modesty (OM) applies to victims, regardless of gender, and covers cases of molest and groping.

Outrage of Modesty statistics

In the Mid-Year Crime Statistics For January To June 18 released by the Singapore Police Force (SPF), 685 OM cases were reported during the first half of 2017.

From January to June 2018, however, this number has increased to 832 (a 21.5 per cent increase from 2017).

According to the SPF, OM cases in public entertainment nightspots and public transport are of particular concern.

At public entertainment nightspots, there is a 37 per cent increase in OM cases, while cases on public transport have increased by 43.8 per cent.


Stepping up efforts to deter OM cases

Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police How Kwang Hwee said that the SPF will continue to "step up" efforts in preventing and deterring OM cases:

“The Police is closely monitoring the increase in outrage of modesty cases. We will continue to step up our efforts to work closely with stakeholders and the community to prevent and deter such cases, especially in public entertainment night spots and public transport networks. Offenders will be dealt with severely in accordance with the law.”

As one of the new initiatives, the SPF has piloted a plan for volunteers from community programme Citizens On Patrol (COP) to patrol train stations, in addition to the areas they usually cover (void decks and parks).

These volunteers will keep an eye out for suspicious characters and distribute crime prevention pamphlets at the train stations.

According to Straits Times, a pilot run took place on Aug. 13, and there are plans for over 700 COP groups to roll out the patrols all over the island.


Top photo from Singapore Police Force Facebook & SPF.