McDonald's have been trying to introduce healthier options on their menu for years.
Here are some examples.
A twitter user Spesdelune, might have discovered the culmination of that evolution.
Bread experience
Spesdelune ordered a McChicken with cheese, or as it is known there, a chicken burger with cheese.
The outlet at Malang, East Java, however, had a surprise for her.
Here is what she got.
In case you think the McChicken with cheese in Indonesia is just really different from Singapore.
Here's what it looks like.
Here's what her tweet reads.
Alhamdulillah bisa nyobain menu baru @McDonalds_ID burger isi roti burger
— C A N T I - in seclusion (@spesdelune) August 15, 2018
Which translates roughly as:
"Praise God, I can try the new menu @McDonalds_ID, a burger stuffed with a burger bun."
She clarified in another Tweet that she didn't ask for a special "vegetarian" order.
Top image from spesdelune's Twitter page.
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