S'porean couple looking for long-lost, terminally-ill, & possibly passed on Korean friend in his hometown

They met in India 7 years ago.

Mandy How | August 25, 2018, 01:47 PM

This is the time to use social media for good.

A Singaporean couple is looking for their long-lost Korean friend in his hometown of Gwangju. They met seven years ago when he told them he was terminally-ill.

We know, the prognosis doesn't sound good.

But they hope to at least visit his grave during their upcoming trip to Korea in October, where they will be making a stopover in Gwangju.

Met in India, 2011

The couple met Kim Jong-seung in a train station in India back in 2011, when they were on their honeymoon.

Kim was travelling alone at that time, but the trio subsequently decided to travel together as they were headed for the same destination.

One of the photographs the couple has of Kim Jong Seung


As they spent time together, the couple learnt of Kim's story — he was terminally ill with cancer, and had broken up with his girlfriend without telling her the truth.

He had also quit his job to start travelling.

Despite his condition, the Facebook post reveals, Kim remained positive and humorous, thus enabling a friendship among the three to blossom fast. 

Suddenly stopped replying emails

After they parted ways, where the couple returned to Singapore and Kim to Korea, the three kept in touch through emails.

Another photo of Kim, with a woman who was not named

They updated each other on their lives and for Kim, on his medical condition. Even as his condition deteriorated, the couple noted that Kim never lost his humour and kindness.

Unfortunately, in 2012, Kim suddenly stopped replying their emails.

It's been six years since the couple last heard from him, and they believe that he has passed on.

However, although they wish to discover any news of him, the couple does not know where to start looking. The following is the only information they have (along with the photographs):

Name: Kim Jong Seung (김종승)

Age: In his 40s today

Email address: [email protected]

If you have any information on Kim, you may contact the couple through Facebook, Kakaotalk, or email (user name for both: [email protected]/[email protected])

Original post here:

Top image from Lifetree N Row's Facebook post