American couple tries eating durian, vomits immediately, places rest of it in "bodybag"

Got so bad meh?

Nyi Nyi Thet | July 30, 2018, 04:22 PM

Westerners trying durian is quite a well-established genre in popular culture.

There are those who cut it wrongly.

And those who actually enjoy it.

But rarely do we see someone actually vomiting after eating it.

Enter The B Family.

The B Family are a YouTube/ Facebook couple who post videos of their daily lives on those two platforms. They go by the names Corey and Alicia.

They have more than 900,000 likes on Facebook.


And their recent video involved trying out an all-too familiar fruit:

They initially swaddled the durian, pretending it was a baby, for some reason.

After a quick sniff, they declared it the "smelliest fruit" and that it smelt like "garbage":

Here are some of the ways they described the durian.

1- Smells like mould

2- Tastes like onion, not good onion.

3- Looks like scrambled eggs.

Then they moved on to the actual tasting.

Which didn't go well at all.

Corey promptly vomited.

While Alicia spat the piece of fruit out.

And then they brushed their teeth.

Before disposing of the fruit, in a "bodybag" no less.


Here's her verdict of what the durian tasted and smelled like for Alicia:

"Mould, and old milk."

Here's Corey's take on it:

"Rotten onion, rotten salad, and gasoline, all mixed up and put in your nose."


Here's their video:

Top images: screenshots from B Family's video