American man comes to Asia, comes across bidet in toilet, thrilled by Asian ingenuity

All these thirsty Asians.

Nyi Nyi Thet | July 13, 2018, 04:28 PM

We all experience one form of culture shock or another when we travel.

It's basically the most hands-on learning you can experience.

And sometimes it leads to rather hilarious situations.


Dean Michael Ungert, who incidentally was a contestant on season 13 of American TV show "The Bachelorette", recently took a trip to Asia.

He first visited Japan.

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Despite the inclement weather, this might be the coolest place I’ve ever been to ⛩ In high school I wrote a paper on the Enola Gay and have been fascinated by WWII ever since. To be able to visit Hiroshima and stand under the hypocenter of Little Boy was such a surreal experience. To see a city so vibrant and rich with life after such a catastrophic event and to be able to watch a Carp game (the team played a pivotal role in rebuilding the spirit of the city) was one of the best experiences of my lifetime Not to get all existential on Instagram but fuck WMD.

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I knew I was going to like Japan. I had no idea I would like it as much as I did. This was the birthplace of all the anime, video games, and movies that helped shape my childhood and provided countless hours of entertainment. Because of that there was just enough nostalgia mixed in with a whole lot of novelty around every corner. I wish I could have spent more time here. 6 days isn’t nearly enough to even begin to scratch the surface but for now it’s all I get. Until next time! #whyamistandinglikethat

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And then took a quick detour to Indonesia.

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First time south of the equator. Turns out waterfalls still work the same way

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While in Indonesia, Ungert discovered more than breathtaking scenery — he discovered true ingenuity as well.

Specifically this.

Image from Ungert's Twitter

Here is what he had to say about it.

"I love how bathrooms here have this water hose next to the toilet in case you get thirsty while in the restroom."


Some tried to guide him along the path.

Others tried to "guide" him along the path.

Americans and bidets

While it definitely might be a joke, Americans and bidets aren't really the most natural bedfellows.


Image from Ungert's Twitter