Car in S'pore becomes pedestrian, calmly moves across 3 lanes like a polite person

The driver even had the courtesy to signal.

Mandy How | May 02, 2018, 06:06 PM

With the aid of social media, drivers are being called out for their bad habits more frequently, such as this one recent instance:

But the following road antic is one that we definitely haven't seen before.

Cutting across three lanes

The latest incident to capture the nation's attention takes place at a traffic junction.

The driver of a lime green Toyota, who was at the left-most lane of a four-lane road, decided to manoeuvre across three lanes, along the pedestrian crossing.

The goal? To make a right turn.

According to footage from the dashcam, the incident occurred on Tuesday, May 1, at 2.12pm.

Here's the video that was shared to SG Road Vigilante's Facebook page (forward to 00:31 — you'll notice the driver even had the courtesy to signal):

In case you missed the epic moment/ don't have enough data:

The driver then positioned the car smack in the middle of the pedestrian crossing, and neatly in front of the row of stationary cars behind the stop line:

The owner of the dashcam could be heard saying "Walau, good skills man, like that also can?" in Mandarin.

Facebook users react

Not surprisingly, plenty of people asked for the Traffic Police to intervene:

While others were more light-hearted about the situation:

One user was even super understanding about the situation:


Fine/ jail for reckless or dangerous driving

According to Section 64 under the Road Traffic Act, drivers found guilty of reckless or dangerous driving are liable to a fine of up to S$5,000 and/ or imprisonment of up to 12 months:

Source: Singapore Statutes Online

A second conviction will result in a fine of up to S$10,000 and/ or imprisonment of up to two years, as well as being disqualified from holding/obtaining a driving licence.

It can be an arrestable offence. Just FYI.

Top image from video

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