S'pore Cabinet reshuffle 2018 in full at a glance

Somewhere inside this Cabinet is Singapore's next prime minister.

Belmont Lay | April 24, 2018, 04:06 PM

Retirement of Ministers

Lim Hng Kiang steps down as Minister for Trade and Industry (Trade).

Lim Swee Say steps down as Minister for Manpower.

Yaacob Ibrahim steps down as Minister for Communications and Information

Appointment of Ministers

S Iswaran appointed Minister for Communications and Information. He will continue in the Ministry of Trade and Industry but be redesignated Minister‐in‐charge of Trade Relations.

Chan Chun Sing appointed Minister for Trade and Industry. He will relinquish his appointment in the Prime Minister’s Office.

Ng Chee Meng appointed Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office. He will relinquish his appointments as Minister for Education (Schools) and Second Minister for Transport.

Ong Ye Kung will continue in the Ministry of Education, designated as Minister for Education. He will relinquish his appointment as Second Minister for Defence.

Josephine Teo will be appointed Minister for Manpower. She will continue as Second Minister for Home Affairs, but will relinquish her appointment in the Prime Minister’s Office.


Indranee Rajah promoted to full Minister. She will be appointed Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for Education. As a transition arrangement, she will also be appointed Second Minister for Law until June 30, 2018 (when Edwin Tong becomes Senior Minister of State in the Ministry).

Baey Yam Keng promoted to Senior Parliamentary Secretary. He will hold a new appointment in the Ministry of Transport and will continue in the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.

Amrin Amin promoted to Senior Parliamentary Secretary. He will continue in both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Heng Chee How appointed Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Defence. He will relinquish his appointment in the Prime Minister’s Office.

Sim Ann appointed Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications and Information. She will continue in the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth but will relinquish her appointment in the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Chee Hong Tat appointed Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Education. He will relinquish his appointments in the Ministry of Communications and Information and the Ministry of Health.

Janil Puthucheary appointed Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport. He will continue in the Ministry of Communications and Information but will relinquish his appointment in the Ministry of Education.

Koh Poh Koon will relinquish his appointment in the Ministry of National Development but will continue as Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Sam Tan appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of Social and Family Development. He will continue in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and relinquish his appointments in the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Manpower.

Low Yen Ling appointed Senior Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Manpower. She will continue in the Ministry of Education but will relinquish her appointment in the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Additional Responsibilities

Heng Swee Keat will take over responsibility for assisting the Prime Minister on National Research Foundation matters from DPM Teo Chee Hean.

Chan Chun Sing will take over responsibility for the Public Service Division from DPM Teo Chee Hean. He will continue to be Deputy Chairman of People’s Association.

Masagos Zulkifli will be in charge of Muslim Affairs, taking over from Yaacob Ibrahim.

Janil Puthucheary will take over responsibility for Cyber Security from Yaacob Ibrahim.


New Political Appointments

Edwin Tong appointed Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of Health with effect from July 1, 2018.

Zaqy Mohamad appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of National Development and the Ministry of Manpower.

Sun Xueling appointed Senior Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of National Development.

Tan Wu Meng will be appointed Senior Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Trade and Industry.