Click this Facebook link to check if you shared data with Cambridge Analytica

With just one click.

Belmont Lay | April 12, 2018, 12:20 AM

Click this link to check if your data was shared with Cambridge Analytica. Explanation below.

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg told United States lawmakers that his own personal data was improperly shared with political consultancy Cambridge Analytica.

Part of 87 million users affected

The 33-year-old internet magnate told the US House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee this on Wednesday, April 11, the second day in a row he was called to testify.

This would make him one of 87 million or so Facebook users affected by what some are calling a data breach.


Simple one-click check

As a result of the hullabaloo that had been gathering steam for weeks, on Monday, April 9, Facebook began rolling out a “Protecting Your Information” News Feed notification.

The notification started telling people whether a third party app shared their Facebook data with analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.

However, not all users have been notified yet even though a page for checking your own status has been up and running for three days now.

With just one click, the tool Facebook created is to make it much easier to let you know if you or any of your friends logged into the “This Is Your Digital Life” app created in 2015, which ultimately shared data with Cambridge Analytica.

This is the link.

What you should see

If you’re one of the 87 million users who had a friend who used the app, it will look like this:

If you are all clear, it will look like this:

Go on, try it. The link is here.