Social studies guidebook removed from Popular bookstore, online link taken down

The publisher has defended the contents of the book.

Belmont Lay | March 15, 2018, 12:10 PM

The social studies (SS) guidebook that triggered Singaporeans has been taken off the shelves of Popular book store on March 14, according to The New Paper.

Checks by the tabloid sheet found that the text, Complete Guide to O-Level Social Studies Vol 1, by author Rowan Luc, was no longer available at one of the bookstore's outlets.

This comes just one day after the guidebook caused a stir on Facebook due to its over-simplification of a highly sensitive topic on class divide in Singapore -- with the splitting of low and high socio-economic statuses with visible markers.

Online listing of book gone

A check on the book's online listing showed that it has also been pulled.

Previously, the book was available for purchase via the publisher MarketAsia Book website. It listed the S$12.90 price tag, as well as the book's weight of 350g.


Publisher MarketAsia Books responds

Christopher Yap, executive director of MarketAsia Books, has defended the book.

In statements to TNP and Channel News Asia, the publisher was quoted as saying that people need to "read the whole chapter to gain a more holistic and accurate picture".

"The table has to be read in context of the whole chapter, which discusses crucial themes pertaining to Singapore's social mobility and inequality issues," Yap told TNP.

"This is also in line with the same approach highlighted in several other official and approved SS textbooks on this theme."

Socio-economic status subject

Within the social studies syllabus, SES is part of a larger topic called "Living in a Diverse Society".

According to the Ministry of Education (MOE) website, the topic aims to help students "accept, respect and celebrate diversity".

Following the outcry, MOE issued a statement that the guidebook is not on its list of approved textbooks.

"Commercial learning materials approved by MOE will bear the Ministry's stamp of approval on their front cover or inside the book," it added.