Japan train arcade game: To win, train must arrive at station punctually on the dot

This is totally Japanese.

Belmont Lay | December 16, 2017, 04:22 PM

The Japanese take train punctuality very seriously.

As further proof of how being on time is a matter of honour, respectability and even life and death, a fun arcade game that has been developed and released in the country is a simulation of being a train driver, with the objective of pulling up at the station right on time.

Not a moment early and not a moment too late.

Train simulation games: 20 years of tradition

Even as arcades have gone out of fashion in the United States and Europe, Japan continues to produce new arcade games to satiate the gaming masses.

Game developers there don’t hold back when it comes to creating over-the-top arcade cabinets.

This particular train arcade game is called Densha de Go!.

20-year history

Apparently, train simulation games have existed in Japan for more than 20 years.

It is developed by Taito, which is best known for producing Space Invaders and Bubble Bobble.

The first train simulation games were released more than 20 years ago in 1995. And they are hugely popular in Japan. Players of the arcade game can even don the train conductor suit and hat.

The latest Densha de Go! was developed in 2015 to mark the 20th anniversary of the train arcade game.

It was released only recently.

The game can be considered part of the national obsession with precision, as well as an extension of the country's neuroses.


Train cabinet

The game cabinet's attention to detail is astounding.

The cabinet recreates an almost full-size replica of the front of a train where the operator sits.

The cabinet includes four displays: Three of which act as windows showing the track and simulated outside world, and the fourth display forms the dashboard the player sits at.

All the buttons are present in a real train, with the two physical controls required to make the train move.

Here's a video demonstrating how the game is played:

Images via Famitsu | 4Gamer