Taoist exorcist & Muslim cleric share experiences with possessions


Mandy How | November 02, 2017, 12:44 PM

Exorcists of different faiths

The supernatural is a realm of much discussion and intrigue, even as disbelievers look on from the fringes.

However, when two exorcists of different faiths -- one Taoist and one Muslim -- come together, they had little to disagree on.

Taoist exorcist Jeroen Chew and Ustaz Herman Sudil touch on the rules of exorcism, share memorable cases, and even warn of the dangers of social media in abetting witchcraft.


Possessed by an unreasonably angry spirit

In one of the more humorous incidents, Herman went to visit a possessed woman in Tampines, whose legs had grown swollen from the ordeal.

When questioned, the jin (spirit) replied that she had been stepped on by the host, and was thus angered to possess her.

Exasperated, the exorcist had replied: "Do you know why she stepped on you? Because she cannot see you! You are unseen matter, that's why she stepped on you!"

Here's another part of it that is interesting:

For more stories, watch the full video by The New York Times Style Magazine Singapore here: