SCDF firefighter puts out fire & goes back into Woodlands flat to look for 2 pet cats

And tried to resuscitate them.

Belmont Lay | September 26, 2017, 03:45 PM

A fire broke out in a Housing Board flat in Woodlands on Friday evening, Sept. 22, at around 6pm.

The fire occurred in a sixth floor unit in Block 886B, Woodlands Drive 50.

Two cats died

Although there were no injuries reported, two cats from the household died of smoke inhalation.

This was revealed in Facebook posts by neighours of the affected household:

The two cats died despite efforts to rescue them.

The other two cats were brought to the vet and survived.

A video shared on Facebook showed a Singapore Civil Defence Force firefighter donning protective equipment and going back into the house after being told there were still four pet cats inside after the fire had been put out:

After the cats were brought out, the SCDF personnel had also tried to resuscitate two of them but they did not survive.


Neighbours raising money

Neighbours of the affected household have also banded together to raise money.

Donations can be made via a fund transfer, or to avoid any doubt, donors can head to the unit to personally drop off any money into a tin that will be left outside the flat.