If you thought a customer being called "b*tch" was bad, try getting slapped. Thrice.
Apple Bai and her friend visited the Stagmont Ring branch of Club July (a dining/bar and grill establishment) on Sep. 4, Monday, around 10pm.
It's unclear what happened between then and 11:46pm, when the girls purchased two jugs of Heineken beer, but the incident started at 12:57am.
Bai related to Mothership in an email that a woman, claiming to be the senior supervisor of the bar, had approached and asked them to finish their drinks within three minutes, as it was near the bar's closing time. Bai claimed that the staff's manner was rowdy.
The friends did not initially know that it was approaching closing time. They usually visit the establishment on weekends — on Fridays and Saturdays, and it closes at 3am:
Screenshot from Club July Facebook page
They then asked for 10 more minutes, as their glasses were still full.
Photo courtesy of Apple Bai
The supervisor refused, and began to raise her voice and point at the customers. She even threatened to call the police.
Bai's friend stood up and told the supervisor to stop shouting at them.
The supervisor then slapped said friend on her face and ear, for a total of three times. It resulted in visible marks:
Photo courtesy of Apple Bai
Photo courtesy of Apple Bai
Police arrived, and police reports were made
The police were subsequently called, and arrived on the scene between 130 - 145am.
A report was lodged for Voluntarily Causing Hurt (VCH):
Photo courtesy of Apple Bai
Bai's friend also visited the hospital's Emergency Department on the same night (presumably to back up her police report), and was diagnosed with contusion (ruptured blood capillaries i.e. bruising):
Photo courtesy of Apple Bai
Bai and her friend revealed that they are still waiting for updates from both the police and the F&B establishment.
And she left a review on their Facebook page:
No response from Club JulyMeanwhile, Mothership has sent messages, emails and made calls to Club July's management for their position on these allegations over the past few days.
Unfortunately, Mothership has not received any response from them.
The police have confirmed with Mothership, however, that a report was lodged and that they are currently looking into the matter.
The charge of Voluntarily Causing Hurt (VCH) is a non-arrestable offence. However, if found guilty of VCH, the offender is liable to imprisonment of up to two years and/or a fine of up to S$5,000.
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