Tony Tan faking out Chief of Defence Force coming in for a handshake is the funniest way to end a presidency

Bye Mr President.

Nyi Nyi Thet | August 10, 2017, 10:20 AM

Whatever you think of Tony Tan, you have to admit that the man has an impressive resume.

He has been a banker, a vice-chancellor in NUS, a minister, headed entities such as GIC and SPH, and of course, a president.

There seems to be nothing the man can't do.

Almost nothing.

And this year's NDP, which is also his final one as president, saw a return of the awkward handshake version of Tony Tan.

First we'll take a look at a good example of a handshake.

For the sake of fairness, we'll use Tan's own handshake at last year's NDP to set up the general structure of the handshake.

The first bit might have been a bit rushed, but all in all, a good handshake, with a set formula.

Get out of car, acknowledge the Chief of Defence Force, shake hands with the guy, wave to crowd.


Now, look at this years version.

The video posted by Twitter user Dzarismail, showed Tony Tan inadvertently psyching out CDF Lieutenant General Perry Lim.

In it, the Twitter user had this to say about the video.

"He wanted to greet him, but he didn't get it."

Here's the exact part the user was referring to.

The video shows Lim mistaking the president's prelude to waving as a handshake.

And he wasn't the only one being swerved by the president.

Here's one of the performers getting played out.

Ironically, that swerve would most likely be more memorable than an actual handshake.