All 10,000 copies of "Grammar Rules" book fully given out, PDF version now available

Everyone can now be a grammar nazi.

Mandy How | March 22, 2017, 07:38 PM

If you thought Singaporeans couldn't care less about speaking good English, we're happy (hmm) to inform you that that's not true.

If anything, recent events have revealed that the population is pretty particular about the language.


Which is why 10,000 copies of "Grammar Rules" — a pocket-sized guidebook published by the Speak Good English movement — got snapped up within two days, according to Landmark Books publisher Goh Eck Kheng.

(It might also help that it's been available for free:)

Source: Speak Good English Movement Facebook

The books were distributed at the Singapore Philatelic Museum and Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall starting Monday, Mar. 20, and by Wednesday (Mar. 22), had run out.

Source: Eckkheng Goh Facebook

A reprint is currently being organised, according to Goh, but if you'd like an e-copy, the Speak Good English Movement has made a pdf version available here.

Here's their Facebook post announcing it:


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