Abandoned Porsche in Woodlands is the saddest thing

A shadow of its former self.

Guan Zhen Tan | February 28, 2017, 05:30 PM

On Feb. 27, photos of an abandoned, dirtied Porsche was uploaded by Facebook user Car Jay to Facebook group Singapore Exotic Car Spotter.

While the exact model cannot be ascertained, it's more likely than not one of the rarer Porsches, according to netizens who also claim the vehicle has been residing in a Woodlands car park.

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No matter how rare it is, the Porsche has sadly long passed its heyday.

The windscreen is now completely caked in soot, and the once-yellow body has since lost its glimmer.

It seems that a few passers-by also left writings and markings on the thick layer of dirt and dust, which has coated much of the car.

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Some netizens claimed it was on laid-up status, which according to forums means that the car won't be running on the road any longer, destined to be stored away or headed for the scrapyard.

16864669_331955800535176_2461612969106920835_n Photo via Car Jay's Post on Singapore Exotic Car Spotter Facebook Group

Possible reasons

Netizen Mark Lim says that this was supposedly the result of the Porsche's owner getting into a dispute with the car workshop that serviced his car.

According to Lim, he heard that the owner felt that work for his car was not done right even though the workshop disagreed.

The owner refused to pay for the work done and collect the car, resulting in the car being parked there for more than a year or so.

Another netizen, Paul De Costa claims that he heard that the car's engine had caught fire, which resulted in the sooty-looking vehicle.

Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 3.54.55 PM Screenshot via Car Jay's Post on Singapore Exotic Car Spotter Facebook Group

While no one is sure of this Porsche's tragic backstory, many were certain that they wanted to give the car a new lease of life.

Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 3.57.41 PM Screenshot via Car Jay's Post on Singapore Exotic Car Spotter Facebook Group

Exasperated by the extent of neglect on the Porsche, some netizens also mentioned Akira Nakai, the owner of Rauh-Welt Begriff (RWB), a Japanese car-tuning (modifying) company which specialises in turning Porsches into works of art.

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Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 3.57.57 PM Screenshots via Car Jay's Post on Singapore Exotic Car Spotter Facebook Group

Here's a video of Nakai in action when he was tuning a Porsche in Singapore:

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While these are nice sentiments from netizens, chances are that this car will be left there, waiting for its owner -- at least for now.


Top image adapted via Car Jay's Post on Singapore Exotic Car Spotter Facebook Group

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