This dog wearing goggles while riding pillion is the cutest thing you will see in S'pore


Nyi Nyi Thet | January 24, 2017, 04:14 PM

2017, for the most part is still trying to shake off the cobwebs of 2016.

Amidst the rainy start and gloomy skies, though, here's the perfect picture to round off the last few days of Janu-Awww-ry.


*Melts from cuteness*

The picture posted by Twitter user Franta was taken around the central region in Singapore.

FYI dog owners, by the way, there are a variety of pet carriers that allow motorcyclists to bring their favourite doggo or pupper for a quick ride.

Carriers like this:

doggie 3

But the one thing that really makes this picture is the steely determination shown by the passenger puppy.

image from franta's Twitter image from franta's Twitter

You can almost hear the 80's power rock anthem in the background.

This is not the only quirky transport method used by pet owners in Singapore, by the way.

Other carriers include trolleys:

And plastic bags:

doggie cat

Portable awwwws.


Top image from Twitter

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