Okay, it's time to break out the layered clothing.
According to the Meteorological Service Singapore, the weather outlook for the last week of January 2017 is going to be wet and cool.
The next four days is expected to be rainy, with some respite only on Wednesday. Temperatures will dip to a balmy 22°C to 24°C at its lowest.
The MSS forecast states that Jan. 16 – 31 will see moderate to heavy rainfall:
1 The prevailing Northeast Monsoon conditions over the region are forecast to persist into the second half of January 2017. During this fortnight, the low level winds are expected to continue to blow from the northeast or northwest.
2 The next two weeks of January 2017 is expected to be wetter than the first fortnight of the year. Short-duration thundery showers are expected on six to eight days, mostly in the afternoon, and on a few days could extend into the evening. In addition, there is a chance of a monsoon surge developing over the southern South China Sea region in the second week of the fortnight. Singapore could experience periods of moderate to heavy rain lasting up to two days, accompanied by occasional windy conditions and cooler temperatures. Overall, the rainfall for January 2017 is forecast to be slightly below normal.
3 In the next fortnight, a few warm days can still be expected. The daily maximum temperatures on most days are forecast to be around 32°C or 33°C, and on a few days, the daily maximum temperatures could reach a high of around 34°C. On some rainy days, the daily minimum temperature is expected to be cooler, and could range between 22°C and 23°C.
4 For updates of the daily weather and haze forecast, please visit our MSS website (www.weather.gov.sg), NEA website (www.nea.gov.sg), or download the myENV app, MSS’ Weather@SG app.
The southern part of Singapore is currently the wettest, having experienced more than 100.4mm of rainfall in 20 hours on Jan. 23.
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