The Big Mac's creator has passed away

He made a unique contribution to the world. RIP :(

Henedick Chng | December 01, 2016, 12:31 PM

The man who invented McDonald’s iconic Big Mac, Michael James Delligatti, has passed away at the ripe age of 98.

Delligatti owned several McDonald’s franchises in the U.S. in the 1960s. However, he had trouble competing with other burger chains like Burger King and Big Boy.

In a move to place McDonald’s on a better footing with those competing chains, Delligatti proposed to add a double-patty burger to McDonald’s executives.

The idea met resistance by the executives at first, but they eventually gave Delligatti the go-ahead to test out his burger, on the condition that he only used McDonald’s existing ingredients.

However, Delligatti found that the existing buns used by McDonald’s at the time could not fit two patties. To overcome this, he went bought a large sesame seed bun from local baker, cut it into three slices and assembled the first Big Mac.

The first Big Mac was introduced on April 22, 1967. The response was good and the rest as they say is history.

Delligatti’s legacy will live on in the iconic burger he created.

And for those of you who've been trying to do the Big Mac rap in your head, it is "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun."


Top image from here and here.

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