Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen does video review of new SAF PT shoes like a real influencer

You can now wear Minister-approved shoes.

Jonathan Lim | December 27, 2016, 12:17 PM

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has launched two new shoes for physical training and running.

And who better to do a review of them than the Defence Minister himself?

First off, there is the New Balance NB565 for low to neutral-arch feet:


And there is the Adidas Duramo for high-arch feet:


In his Facebook post, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen also included a video where he dons the NB565 and uses it on his rowing machine. He explains that he has stopped running to give his knees "some rest". He recommended rowing as an efficient 30-minute workout that can be done once a day, three to four times a week.

Look at him review things like a real YouTube product reviewer:

ng-eng-hen-nb565-duramo Look at the way he uses the towel - only uncles seasoned gym-goers know this trick. Therefore we can trust that he knows good shoes.



Multiple camera angles too. Like a legit YouTuber.

ezgif-com-1f81a20e15A reviewer actually putting the product through its paces in this day and age where influencers are just paid to say good things about products they don't actually use? No way.

And how about his verdict for the shoes? He said he is very happy with them and that they fit very well.

Time to use up this year's eMart credit to whack those shoes. Here's his video review:


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