10 public transport pet peeves that will set every Singaporean off

Have you met a give-no-shit Glenda today?

Mandy How | November 16, 2016, 04:22 PM

As our public transport system gets increasingly reliable in its breakdowns, we can't help but list out common pet peeves that contribute to mounting angst during our daily commutes - because misery loves company, right?

1. Two words: Butt condensation.

"When folks get up from their seats and you see this patch of condensation where their groin or butt crack was....."



2. Man in the mirror

"When you're tall and the side mirror on the bus smacks you as it pulls in."



  3. Give-no-shit Glenda

"When the bus door stops directly in front of me, but some bugger decides to cut my queue from the side."



4. The ones with eye power

"People who see you running for the bus and just stare, instead of sticking their hand out to get the bus to wait."


5. That little farter

"When someone lets loose a silent killer and everyone on the train somehow manages to maintain a poker face."



6. Bus off

"I hate it when the bus stops at the end of the bus stop, and then when I walk towards it it moves to the front."



7. The selfish wankers

"People who run in front of me to board the train but take their time to move in once they step into it, leaving me trying to get on the train when the door closing signal is already beeping."



8. The gold digger

"When another passenger unabashedly digs his nose/ear/toenails, inspects his loot carefully, and deposits the prized nugget on a shared handle."



9. The durian generation

"When parents allow their screaming brats to run amok with batting an eyelid. Send them to the zoo!!"



10. The sprinkler

"I hate it when people sitting across from me let out one of those phlegmy coughs or sneezes without covering their mouth, showering me in their mucous."



How many in the list do you have to check off before you can call it a bad day?


Top image adapted from SMRT Facebook

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