Turns out, NUS gold digger did not reveal she's attached, was leading the law school guy on

Law school guy has come out to say he was clueless and they kissed.

Nyi Nyi Thet | September 07, 2016, 06:16 PM

The saga that keeps on saga-ing, leaving everyone enthralled, has a new plot twist.

The upper-class “year 4 graduating law student” guy, who was seen as the third party between a girl and her HDB-class boyfriend, has finally spoken out.

This is his post:

It turns out, law school Guy A might have been just as clueless as NS-going Guy B, who is the current boyfriend, when it came to their girl.

This all started after the girl wrote a confession post on NUSWhispers comparing her boyfriend, who is serving his National Service, with a “year 4 graduating law student” who owns a house and a car, and then subsequently, apologising for her previous behaviour after the Internet told her to get dumped.

That means everyone in this fiasco has responded, except perhaps the one most damaged by it: The NS-going boyfriend.

But he is serving the nation now, so he might only have intermittent Internet access.

We can only wait with bated breath.


Related articles:

Internet recommends NUS gold digger dump her HDB-class boyfriend who is too good for her

NUS gold digger apologises to HDB-class boyfriend for gold digging antics


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