Pokémon Go player finds dead body floating in water at Woodlands jetty


Ng Yi Shu | August 07, 2016, 04:44 PM

It's only been a day, but it appears that Singapore's Pokémon Go craze has already turned morbid — a Pokémon Go player was among a group of people who found a dead body while hunting for virtual monsters on Sunday morning.

Woodlands Waterfront Jetty PokéStop Woodlands Waterfront Jetty PokéStop

Singapore player Azmi Suarez, who said he was at Woodlands Waterfront Jetty, posted the following series of photos on his Facebook page:

Screenshot from Azmi Suarez Facebook. Screenshot from Azmi Suarez Facebook

Photo from Azmi Suarez Facebook Photo from Azmi Suarez Facebook

Photo from Azmi Suarez Facebook

A spokesperson from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) told Mothership.sg they were alerted at about 9.45am on Sunday to a case of a body floating in the water off Woodlands Waterfront Jetty.

SCDF personnel had to retrieve the body manually, and the person, who has not been identified, was pronounced dead by paramedics.


Top images from Azmi Suarez's Facebook page.

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