NDP 2017 will return to Marina Bay floating platform

It is probably cheaper to host it there.

Belmont Lay | August 18, 2016, 08:37 PM

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen announced on Thursday, Aug. 18 that the National Day Parade in 2017 will return to the Marina Bay floating platform.

The floating platform, built 10 years ago as a temporary site when the old National Stadium at Kallang closed, "is a favourite site for some Singaporeans and we should use this temporary platform while we still have it", Ng said.

He also said that each of the three venues have their unique charm and fans.

The third site Ng referred to is The Padang, which was also closed for a period of time when there were plans to renovate City Hall and the Old Supreme Court.

The government is aiming to stage it again at the Sport Hub’s National Stadium in 2018, which hosted the parade for the first time this year.

Held at a cost of S$39.4 million this year, Ng said the parade was a success despite it not featuring the Red Lions parachuters due to safety reasons.

"Some people who have watched NDPs before even said this was their best NDP ever," he said.

There were drawn-out discussions between the Ministry of Defence and Sports Hub to stage this year's NDP at the new National Stadium.

This was due to the financial toll it would take on the Sports Hub if it hosted the parade.


Top photo via Ng Eng Hen

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