Lee Wei Ling calls out PAP for quoting LKY out of context from his will


Jeanette Tan | June 23, 2017, 07:21 PM

Earlier Friday, we told you that the ruling People's Action Party decided to enter the ongoing fray between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his siblings, Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling.

In particular, the party put together a black and white one-minute video, complete with poignant-sounding instrumentals, slow-appearing and disappearing text and a voiceover, titled "What Mr Lee Kuan Yew Actually Said About 38 Oxley Road".

Its message: "Mr Lee clearly recognised that the house could be preserved."

While this, semantically, is accurate, it would also be an objective conclusion to draw that the party is clearly trying to indicate that he is open to preserving the house, as opposed to his widely-documented and declared intention to demolish it.

Enter Wei Ling, leading the charge in Friday's developments. In her first post on Friday afternoon, she asked the government why they declined to disclose information about the Ministerial Committee to her father's estate — represented by her and Hsien Yang:

In fairness, it's a reasonable question to ask since the Ministerial Committee is convened specially to discuss the fate of the house on Oxley Road — something that does indeed come under the Estate's purview.

But we're also here to tell you about her second post at about 5:20pm, which reveals a significant development: even PM Lee Hsien Loong is clear that their father's position has always been consistent regarding the house — to demolish it.

To show this, Wei Ling posted a screenshot of an email PM Lee sent to Hsien Yang, copying herself, Ho Ching and Hsien Yang's wife Suet Fern:

Photo via Lee Wei Ling's Facebook page

The email, sent from PM Lee a day before he addressed Parliament on the issue of LKY's house, says:

"Subject: RE: 38 Oxley Road

Thank you. I have seen the statement you released. My response is in my reply to the Questions in Parliament tomorrow. I say in my reply that the Will is subsequent to his note to Cabinet, and that Papa's position has been consistent throughout. Even his note to Cab(inet) did not say that he wanted it preserved, only what has to be done if it is not to be demolished. (portions in brackets added by us)"

This is important, because it shows clearly that PM Lee is also clear that LKY has always maintained that he wants his home to be demolished after he passes away (and also after Wei Ling moves out). That last line is meaningful too — "his note to Cabinet did not say that he wanted it preserved, only what has to be done if it is not to be demolished".

And if any of the above isn't clear enough, another indication can be read from that same paragraph the PAP chose to selectively highlight but not bold in its video:

“If our children are unable to demolish the house as a result of any changes in the law, rules or regulations binding them, it is my wish that the House never be opened to others except my children, their families and descendants.

If he was vaguely amenable to the building being preserved, he phrased very strongly this clause, taken from his final will, that the house must never be opened to people who are not in his family.

So there you have it — in no uncertain terms — LKY wants the house demolished. Even if the government decides otherwise, he has indicated it must not receive visitors outside his relatives and descendants.

Also, PM Lee does know this, having spelled it out clearly himself.

See Wei Ling's Facebook post in full here:

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Top photo via PAP Facebook page, file

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