Eunoia JC's crest is so stylish that you'll almost forget it has a funny name. Almost.

Yes, the school has opened to about 440 students this month.

Martino Tan | February 01, 2017, 02:36 PM

Remember Eunoia / You-Noy-Uh / Eff-Ni-Ah / Yoo-Noh-Iea (according to the school) ?

The new junior college (JC) with a funny-sounding name is having the last laugh with its beautiful style guide.

Eunoia, which has started accepting students from Catholic High School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School and Singapore Chinese Girls' School this year, has created a school crest that is the envy of other schools.

The crest was designed by local design firm Kong Studio, a local design firm whose portfolios include various oriental branding work.

On the school's website, Eunoia JC says that its college crest can be understood by three qualities, or simply A-B-C: All-round Development, Beautiful Thinking and Cultural Conversance.

Source: Eunoia JC website. Source: Eunoia JC website.

A is represented by the school crest's circular shape signifying the holistic development of its students, while B is signified by the overall design's likeness to the human brain's neural networks.

Finally, C represents Eunoia, an English word, with an Asian theme. The JC "hopes that its students are able to thrive in diverse cultural settings, while remaining rooted to their own culture".

Impressive aspirations.

According to a branding blog, the crest is "both Western and Asian, signifying the balance and harmony between the 2 cultures".

Source: Eunoia JC website. Source: Eunoia JC website.

"Overall, EJC outshines other schools in terms of visual identity. For a generation, which is increasingly design savvy, I'd say that EJC is able to leave a lasting impression in our heads. The branding work here is proof that pretty much anything can be made to look visually appealing, and it sets the right tone for learning – something fun and exciting, Eunoia JC: When East Meets West, Branding SG blog"

Just check out their Open House logo on January 13:

Eunoia Junior College Facebook. Eunoia Junior College Facebook.

Its uniform, designed by students, is simple and nifty too

The uniform -- white top with a grey skirt or trousers -- was designed by a student. It emerged top among the final three designs after a vote by students.

Eunoia Junior College Facebook. Winning design in the centre, Source: Eunoia Junior College Facebook.

Isabel, 16, told the Straits Times that she chose the cotton and polyester outfit because she was "looking for something simple" and comfortable for the long hours the student will spend in school.

According to the Straits Times, 10 students will be involved in composing the school song.

Eunoia Junior College Facebook. Eunoia Junior College Facebook.

Students will also have the opportunity to give inputs on the school's code of conduct.

With a school placing this much emphasis in designing thinking and inclusiveness, we are sure these students will develop into something more than just the living label of "alumni from the funny-name JC" in a few years' time.

Eunoia Junior College Facebook. Eunoia Junior College Facebook.

Beautiful thinking indeed.



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Top photo from Eunoia JC website.

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