This African student in Singapore has a name that rivals Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas


Nyi Nyi Thet | January 10, 2017, 11:30 AM

There was a viral video recently that documented an African man reciting his name to a bewildered cameraman.

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For those curious, his name was spelt like this:

Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas.


Singapore version

Well, a Twitter user from Singapore, going by the handle @shardfayiaz07, noticed his African classmate had quite a unique name himself.

He then asked him for his name.

At first, the student with the kickass name tentatively asked whether he wanted his full name, perhaps afraid that the awesomeness would overwhelm him, and he was absolutely right.

This is his video:

The Twitter user ended his video with an exclamation of "Jesus", just like the original video did.

As hard as we tried, we couldn't come up with a definitive transcript for his name.

But one thing is clear: this is the best name ever.


Image from Twitter

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