This totally non-mathematical video might explain why 45 + 47 = 81

We really cannot mathematics.

Tan Xing Qi | October 08, 2016, 06:13 PM

So at the Sing! China final on Friday night (Oct. 7), Singaporeans found out that they really cannot count when the results of the 81-professional judging panel result flashed across the screen in Beijing's National Stadium.

Local heartthrob Nathan Hartono scored 45, Xinjiang's Jiang Dunhao got 47.

According to calculators everywhere, 45 + 47 = 92.

But the only one that mattered got 81, which gives us a difference of 11. (Working: Because 92 - 81 = 11)

Now, before the final professional results, Hartono was leading 42 to Jiang's 37 at one point. Pulling out our trusty scientific calculator, we got 79. And if the total number of judges is 81, there should be just two votes left. (Working: Because 81 - 79 = 2)

With merely two votes left, the best Jiang result Jiang could achieve – at least mathematically – was 39.(Working: Because 37 + 2 = 39)

Next thing we know, it was 45+47 = 81


Lianhe Zaobao. purveyor of good mathematics and also journalism, posted this video online, in a bid to solve the mathematical conundrum.

20161008_news_singchinagif Source: Lianhe Zaobao

No wonder we cannot mathematics.


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