SIA said it was not sleeping with the blogger who was accused of plagiarising his SIA Suites experience

SIA is not involved in making the blog viral.

Martino Tan| October 06, 12:45 PM

Last week, a travel blogger was criticised online for plagiarising his Singapore Airlines (SIA) suites travel experience.


Screenshot from Straits Times article.

Netizens also alerted that this is not the first time Low has plagiarised his blog post.

Since Low decided that his best strategy is to keep quiet and ignore the online scrutiny, what else can we find out about the issue?

For instance, let's check whether SIA is involved.

Yup. Have you wondered whether the blog was a paid advertorial from the SIA?

This is because SIA does not permit photos of their flight to be taken, possibly due to privacy and security reasons.

A few years ago, SIA revealed to the public a part of its employee blogging and Internet usage guidelines.

The spokesman told MyPaper that "the posting of images of the Airline's logo, aircraft and trademark, pictures of the Airline's training facilities or equipment, and materials detailing internal work processes, and safety and security measures were not allowed".

He added:

"This is to protect the privacy of customers and staff who will not have consented to their images or interactions with us being published."

We noticed that photos of cabin crew at work can be found in Low's blog.



Another question on privacy.

Did Low seek Chief steward Zafrullah Gulam's permission before revealing Zafrullah's details and conversations online?

Zaf1 Zaf2

Anyway, we checked with SIA and it turned out that they are not involved.

This is what an SIA spokesperson said:

"We did not commission the blog and did not sponsor the travel."

In other words, the Low posted the photographs and revealed the steward's information without SIA's permission.


Top photo from SIA Facebook page. Other photos from Derek Low's blog.

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