Monstrous or delicious? M'sia Pizza Hut offers 'Spicy Krunch' Mamee Monster pizza.

They've gone too far.

Tan Min-Wei | April 12, 2023, 12:23 PM

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There are always different types of purists in the world, those who believe things must be done in a certain way and that any other way is wrong.

Pizza purists are not unified, some believe that all the toppings you can have is some tomato sauce, basil leaf, and mozzarella.

Others believe that all kinds of meats can be allowed, but fruit like pineapples are absolutely forbidden.

But some have always scoffed at these limits, and has striven to find ways to throw dirt in their eyes, and plough forward to find new and, some might say, ever more horrifying items to add to pizza.

So if you ever thought that  your pizza needed more crunch, and more MSG, or was not "monstery" enough for you, Pizza Hut Malaysia has something for you to try: the Spicy Krunch Pizza.

Pizza Hut is selling a pizza that comes along with a pack of Black Pepper Mamee, the favourite snack of small children and office pantries alike.

The packet is given so that patrons can experience the visceral joy of crushing the instant noodles into small pieces, and then sprinkling it over your pizza, in a way that surely must make Italian pizza makers regret ever meeting the outside world.

Although its not clear if customers are expected to also sprinkle the Mamee seasoning powder onto the pizza as well, but we feel at this point you might as well go ahead.

To top it off, the pizza also comes with a cheesy stuffed crust, crispy chicken pieces, and a special spicy sauce; although the few reviews we were able to find seem to say that the pizza isn't that spicy.

Pizza Hut might have been trying to boost its virality by imitating Turkish chef "Spice Bae" in its promotional material, but as of now, Malaysian social media is not filled with people rehashing a meme from 2017.

In fact there are probably more Tiktoks of people making the pizza than eating it.

So it seems that right now the only way to know if this is a worthy edition to the pantheon of pizza or an abomination of food is to brave the border, with the offer lasting until April 21.

Or just dump a packet of Mamee on a pizza, it doesn't look that complicated.

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Top image via Pizza Hut Malaysia/YouTube