M’sian nightclub cancels event with sexy muscle men after it was deemed ‘immoral’ during Ramadan

The event drew criticism from several political parties in Malaysia.

Keyla Supharta | March 22, 2023, 07:15 PM

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A nightclub in Kuala Lumpur came under fire after it invited customers to celebrate its grand opening among a troupe of scantily-clad men.

Criticism of the club — notably from Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) and UMNO — eventually saw its organisers cancel the event.

"Experience the love from a macho man"

The condemned event organised by a club called Privacy Club Tun Razak would have seen customers served by Thai Hot Guys — a group from Thailand made up of muscular men dressed in lingerie.

"Do you want to be surrounded by a bunch of tall and handsome guys with nice bodies in super sexy lingerie?" Malaysia Pub asked in a Facebook post advertising the event which would've been held on Mar. 30.

"You don't have to go to Thailand, you have a chance this time!"

"Experience the love from a macho man," it teased. "Sisters from KL, are you ready?"

"Hedonistic culture and promiscuity"

Since its announcement, politicians in Malaysia have denounced the event.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Haji Hassan said that his Islamist party found the event objectionable, labelling it "outrageous, insensitive, immoral, and even disgusting".

In a Facebook post, Takiyuddin said that Thai Hot Guys promoted "hedonistic culture and promiscuity" which was against the country's local culture.

He was also upset that the nightclub had used the name of late Prime Minister Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak.

The Member of Parliament urged authorities to act against such events, especially during the upcoming Ramadan season.

PAS Dewan Ulamak chief Ustaz Ahmad bin Yahaya warned that the "immoral program" would "contaminate the glory of Ramadan" and that the Thai Hot Guy group was "disgusting" and "indecent".

Ahmad further claimed that the group promoted "LGBT ideology" which may contribute to the "development of HIV diseases".

Such events "obviously have no benefit to the country", he wrote in a post on Facebook.

"We don't need people who don't know how to respect our sensitivities"

UMNO Youth chief Muhammad Akmal Saleh said that the UMNO Youth Movement throughout Malaysia intended to make a police report against the "immoral activity".

"If there is no cancellation from the organisers, we will go [to the event] ourselves and cancel the said program," he wrote on Facebook.

"We don’t need people who don’t know how to respect our sensitivities. This is our country, therefore our way and culture!!!"

Following the criticism, Privacy Club Tun Razak issued an apology and announced that their event featuring Thai Hot Guys was cancelled.

"Privacy Tun Razak respects the religious sensitivities of this country and will not violate the laws that have been set," wrote the club in a statement.

Top image via 马来西亚酒吧/Facebook.